Tuoreimmat tutkimukset
Mirzayeva N, Forst S, Passweg D, Geissbühler V, Ana Paula Simões-Wüst AP, Betschart C. Bryophyllum pinnatum and Improvement of Nocturia and Sleep Quality in Women: A Multicentre, Nonrandomised Prospective Trial. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2023(6):1-8. DOI: 10.1155/2023/2115335
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Büttner R, Schwermer M, Ostermann T, Längler A and Zuzak T. Complementary and alternative medicine in the (symptomatic) treatment of acute tonsillitis in children: A systematic reviewMarch 2023. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. DOI: 10.1016/j.ctim.2023.102940
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Werthmann PG, Huber R, Kienle GS. Durable Clinical Remission of a Skull Metastasis Under Intralesional Viscum album Extract Therapy - A Case Report. Head & Neck 2018;00:1–5. Read more
Werthmann PG, Kindermann L, Kienle GS.A 21-year course of Merkel cell carcinoma with adjuvant Viscum album extract treatment: A case report. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Volume 38, June 2018, Pages 58-60. Read more
Meyer R, Werthmann PG, Kienle GS.Reduction of the frequency of recurrent diverticulitis episodes under treatment with the integrative medicine therapies Carpellum Mali comp. and Kalium aceticum comp. - A case report. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Volume 40, October 2018, Pages 203-206. Read more
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